INVITATION: 25th anniversary of EGALITE – Gala Reception, 16 May in the Berlaymont building
This year Égalité, the LGBTI+ staff association of the European Union Institutions, will turn 25. The past two-and-a-half decades have seen great strides of progress in terms of LGBTI+ equality in the Member States as well as within the institutions.
To celebrate this and the successful existence of our association, we will host a reception in the Berlaymont building on 16 May 2018 from 6pm. We expect highly positioned speakers at the event whose names we will reveal later.
Technical information
When: 16 May at 18h
Where: Piazza Arcade in the EC’s Berlaymont building
Dress code: Smart casual
Please note that we have limited places.
Participation Fees
– Members who have paid the membership fee : 0 Euro
– Queer Stagiaires : 10 Euro
– Everyone else : 20 Euro
Those of you who need to pay the participation fee please transfer this amount to the Egalite account: IBAN: BE84 3101 0420 4459BIC (if Needed) : BBRUBEBB).
We will be confirming participants on a weekly basis. On that occasion you will be invited to pay the participation fee (if applicable)
The participation fee will cover the expenses of the reception during which we will serve canapés and drinks.
Deadline for registrations: 2 May
Looking forward to having you there!!