Reimbursement of PrEP
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention strategy that uses antiretroviral drugs to lower HIV-negative persons’ risk of HIV-infection. PrEP is best used in an HIV combination prevention strategy, comprising medical, as well as behavioral measures (e.g. condom use).
The Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme (JSIS) refunds 85% of the purchase of PrEP if the conditions of prior authorisation are followed.
To obtain a refund of PrEP, you first need to request prior authorisation via JSIS online (to be done on a yearly basis), attaching the corresponding initial prescription by a specialised doctor. Once the authorisation is approved, you can ask for refund of PrEP prescribed to you by your doctor.
The official guidance from the PMO to Egalité (in French) can be found here. For any other question, you can contact us at