LGBTQI Families

LGBTQI Families


Egalite continues to work with our members to ensure equality of treatment for LGBTQI families across all institutions, in particular recognition of registered partnerships and medical care.

Please check out our other pages for information on leave, refund of medical costs for IVF and IUI treatment, and recognition of rainbow families.

Recognition of registered partnerships

Spouses and partners are recognised through marriage, or through a recognised ‘non-marital partnership’. The rules for recognition of a registered partnership are complex and the institutions do not publish a list of those partnerships that can be recognised and those that cannot. However the basic concept is that partners should get married, and that partnerships can only be recognised where there is no access to marriage.

The rules are published by the institutions but in summary four conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. a legal document recognised by a Member State showing status as non-marital partners;
  2. that both partners are not in any other partnership or marriage;
  3. that both partners cannot be related to each other; and
  4. that both partners have no access to marriage in a member state.

It is important to note that the institutions consider that if you are resident in Belgium then you are considered as always having access to marriage.

The latest clarification on non-marital partnerships can be found here:

Rules on registered partnerships

For any questions you might have on this issue please contact us at